
September 20, 2010

Architecture Proposals (Ansan City, South Korea)

This eye catching architectural project was put together by four accomplished firms: INABA, BIG, Mass Studies and MAD. All these structures display such radical designs that Ansan City looks similar to some sort of fantasy land.

Beautiful Minds by MAD (War of the Worlds was the first thing that came to mind)

Urban Porosity by BIG

Mutated Slabs and Robotic Towers by Mass Studies

Walk this Way by INABA

These great pics were found from Designbloom


  1. Definitely war of the worlds style. They are like, present time predictions of our past. It reminds me of that, of how they predicted the "future" to look like, with flying cars and stuff. George Orwell fantasy land (though lets never forget). Interesting concepts, I really enjoy fantasy architecture. Especially the Jetsons-like hotel buildings.

    Sweet post man.

  2. south korea is a rich country, i think it's possible for them to create a futuristic metropolis.

  3. The Beautiful Minds one reminds me of mushrooms.

    Giant glowing mushrooms.

  4. Pretty, but not exactly functional. I'm iffy on the idea of buildings that twit and curve around like some of those do. "sure, I need to go to that office over there. You can see it from the window. I'll be back in two hours, It's about a miles walk".

  5. @Drackar

    Ahaha, I think the interior of the building is more straight forward than it appears to be on the outside. The "Beautiful Mind" one has the most radical extensions but the extensions seem to only be for looks, not rooms.

  6. I have a place in my heart for abstract buildings. Maybe it`s because I draw abstract art.

    Anyways those buildings remind me of ones I saw in downtown Toronto :)

  7. The second structure especially. So insane!

  8. the second structure made me think of a... roller coaster? when I first saw it. Odd shit right there.

  9. Those look surreal man. Makes me want to become an architect a little.

  10. WOW those buildings with lights looks ALien, I love it!!!

  11. Wow.. hopefully i'll still be alive when buildings like these start showing up.

  12. Amazing! I wish the world was more like this

  13. Those designs are breathtaking. Makes me wish I still wanted to be an Architect.

  14. has anyone thought about elevators in these buildings? they are going to need some diagonal elevators in some of those buildings!

  15. Looks surreal, but highly impractical architecture. Especially if they want it to have that "glow" ??
