
October 1, 2010

Street Art (Edgar Mueller Part 2)

Edgar Mueller completed this chaotic fiery piece in Geldern, Germany. This was during the anniversary of an international street painting contest.

The incredible artwork below was created for Tepli-Stan Mega Mall in Moscow, Russia. It was mentioned that the air was full of smog that made it difficult to breathe but the smog seems to fit nicely with the painting.


  1. Such an artist...wish I could see one of these in person.

  2. whoa art is cool too bad they dont make a decent living

  3. @Red Baron
    Actually they get paid by companies to create these art pieces around specified areas that would draw attention or act as advertisement. I believe this one was commissioned by Tepli-Stan Mega Mall.

  4. Man. To have THAT as a day job..

  5. unbelievable.. and it´s so big :o

  6. I bloody want one of those on my fucking wall. Even if it's the small part next to my window. I want one of them, and that's period. Where can I book this guy?

  7. i think this is the guy that quit his job as a rocket scientist for nasa to do street drawings. fantastic stuff.

  8. These works are truly amazing..
    It's good to see some good art once in a while

  9. Wow. These are really amazing. Especially the second to last one. I've actually have seen some of these near the beach.

  10. This is some really incredible artwork. It's too bad it has a very high cost to maintain permanant.

  11. it's cool to see some of the process
