
December 10, 2010

Christmas Decoration Pranks

Some of you may have already heard about this crazy Christmas prank from last year. A household in Kansas City, MO decided to hang a realistic dummy on their roof and create a scene of emergency. This decoration resulted in much screaming, outrage, screeching brakes and having their yard wrecked by tire tracks. The home owner mentioned a 55 year old lady rushing over a 75 pound ladder in addition to cops warning them about future traffic accidents.

This prank was ended after two chaotic days. There were mixed reactions after realizing the person hanging from the roof was fake. Reactions ranged from appreciations of the joke to hate mail to smashing the pumpkins located at that home.

Seen below was apparently a similar Christmas prank located in Peachtree City, Georgia. There are some truly insane pranksters out there who enjoy driving people nuts. I'm not sure how I would of reacted but now that I know about these fake dummies, I would be incredibly skeptical.

What do you think? Fun at the cost of others or just a hilarious joke?


  1. I mean, if I had the willpower to do something like that, I would find it hilarious

  2. I sometime see funny decorations with a little santa claus hanging from the roof in my neck of the woods but such a realistic prank would sure cause's funny if you know about it though

  3. These might be going too far, but I can appreciate it as well. Definitely not something I would do. Seems like they are going mainly for public outrage.

  4. I've seen the first picture before and I find the idea amazing! I mean, it might be a little chaotic but everybody should learn to laugh and get shaked once in a while! Too bad I live in an appartment, I won't beable to do this prank until later-on!

  5. My neighbors are Jewish. Not sure how they'd react.

  6. It's like the little boy that cried wolf, now if anyone actually does get stuck like that they're screwed because everyone will be like "meh, pranksters..."

  7. maybe they shoulda dressed him up as a santa or an elf, people might think it was less realistic and therefore a tad less cruel.

    i wouldnt care, its hilarious

  8. I can sorta see the-boy-who-cries-wolf bit, but if they made the dummy look a little more...silly? Maybe there would not be a problem.

  9. that's a great prank... if i were the victim, i'd probably just have a chuckle... i'm sure the old lady didn't appreciate having to run with a ladder haha

  10. I think this is hilarious but that's just me. I wish I could do this kind of stuff by I know my girlfriend would disapprove.
