
November 1, 2010

The Frozen Hotel

The first time I heard about a hotel made entirely of ice, I had to ask myself "how in the world is such a hotel sustainable?". Given how fragile ice and snow can be, I would expect an incredible amount of maintenance to keep this type of hotel in shape. I am not familiar of the temperature and weather in Quebec, Canada but I am assuming that it is low enough to keep the hotel from melting for long periods of time. Needless to say, I had some doubts about the existence of Hotel de Glace but a quick search and (here) it was.

Although I still question the structural integrity of the materials used in this scale, the hotel was truly a sight to see. There were many intricate designs and carvings throughout everywhere in the hotel from the furniture to wall. One eye catching advantage that I noticed with rooms made of ice is how easily they can be colored using lights.

After a month and a half with 60 workers, some staggering 500,000 tons of ice, and 15,000 tons of snow, Hotel de Glace was created. It was noted that the cost to create this hotel during the first year was around $350,000. Hotel de Glace contains a night club, bar, art gallery, indoor heated washrooms, movie theater, outdoor hot tubs and up to 85 beds. Additional images of the magnificent icy hotel by Etolane can be found (here). Below are some wallpapers of the spectacular frozen hotel from the official site.

The walls of the Ice Hotel average 4 feet thick which amounts to 1.2 meters. It is interesting to note that all furniture is made of ice along with drinks being served in ice glasses and food being served on ice plates.


  1. I remember reading about this in a magazine years ago. I'd love to stay in it for a night but it probably be so cold.

    Plus, I'd have to travel all the way across the country to do so.

  2. Wow, that looks really unique and cool (literally :P) and I would love to stay there some time !!

  3. Something to add to the 'to-do' list.

    Would be a nice stay.

  4. Pretty incredible, i'd be scared the roof would just break and kill us all. Like to go there sometime though.

  5. This is some James Bond Stuff right here :D

    That looks amazing xD

  6. At least you don't have to worry about your Scotch on the rocks melting.

  7. looks cool.
    i think it's warmer in there than most of us would expect.

  8. I went to a frozen bar in vegas once

  9. guess it wouldn't matter if the a/c was broke in those rooms.

  10. Looks increadible but I've got a questiong. How does it have 'heated indppr washrooms'? Doesn't the ice around them melt? I'm interested to find out

  11. @Cupid

    The washroom/bathrooms are the only part that are not made of ice/snow apparently.

  12. Wow.. Another place I would like to visit one day
