
November 2, 2010

Habitat 67 (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

Habitat 67 is an architectural marvel based on Moshe Safdie's master thesis from McGill University. The housing complex was developed for Expo 67 but it is still a sight to see even after 43 years due to its radical design. After multiple revisions, the complex now consist of 354 modular units compared to the original design of some whopping 950 units. The 354 cubical parts carried a price tag of approximately 21 million and amounted to a total of 148 residencies.

Although such a unique cubical design allows for construction flexibility, there were mentions of problems with leaky roofs. Leaky roofs in this design seemed inevitable since the roofs are relatively leveled as the floors/gardens of the units above. The photos above were by Brian Pirie while the photos below are by Etienne Coutu.

The interior displays very modern designs which are likely results of the more recent renovations. I am inclined to mention that this housing complex offers very impressive views. I would imagine the view of Montreal and the Saint Lawrence River at night would look spectacular from Habitat 67.


  1. Love the stuff man, that would be completely my style and love to live there !!

  2. Wow, that looks amazing. I'd love to live in a place like this.

  3. That looks crazy, would love to check it out someday.

  4. Holy crap that is like something out of Dali's daydreams...very impressive, i get a weird feeling inside just looking at it.

  5. wow, that's unreal! I can't believe somebody designed that as their master's thesis.

  6. I would love to live in a place like this

  7. I'd fall in love with this place if I knew how to do Parkour.

  8. Sweet design they have there. Very well done.

  9. Maybe I should have gone to McGill like some of my other friends...

  10. I like it. Though I'm more a modern person myself.

  11. Thats got to be some of the coolest architecture I've seen!

  12. I thought that wasn't real when I first saw the pictures. I'd like to live there though.

  13. Imagine getting drunk and trying to find your room!

  14. I actualy went there a few times, it looks amazing in the summer!
