That's right folks, there was an actual nuclear missile silo that went up for sale on Ebay with a price tag up to $1.5 million. This missile complex was originally designed to withstand nuclear attacks and house Titan 1 nuclear missiles. The nuclear missile was not included in this deal of course =).
This missile base is located in central Washington and comprises of 57 acres in the $1.5 million listing. More specifically included in the deal are 16 underground buildings. Out of the 16 underground structures, three are 160 feet high missile silos, three equipment terminals that are each four story high, two antenna silos, a control dome and a power dome.
Seeing how this complex was built to survive nuclear attacks, this would be an ideal home for survivalist groups or cults. One could easily imagine Dr. Evil or a James Bond villain operating out of a nuclear missile base such as this one.
Thinking in a more realistic sense, this former Titan 1 missile base would probably be better off converted into a luxury home similar to the Atlas missile silo. Parts of the missile complex are 50 years old and would likely need a renovation in order to be usable. There was an estimate mentioned by BBC that it would take several million to completely renovate. If someone only plans to use a few of the buildings, the price range of renovating are in the hundred thousands. The remaining images are from the Atlas F missile site.

A truly unique nuclear resistant home for millionaires or any interested group that can afford this.
Hahaha, it looks like a movie! Being millionaire, I would buy this without a doubt!
ill take 2!
amazing images of nice interiors...
That's amazing. If I had the money, would definitely buy it.
without nuke i dont want it :D
When the end of the world comes, I don't care who owns that place, I'm going!
I've seen a video clip about's friggn huge and as safe as it gets
All you'd need is a white cat & world domination could be yours.
that is so rad. It would be my G.I. Joe/Cobra headquarters fantasy to live there.
I wish i could afford it
Shucks! Too bad my PayPal account is locked.
That Atlas F I now have a goal.
this would AWESOME to have. i'd totally live in it
Ugh! If I win the lottery, I'm going to try and invest in some of these. Always wanted a secret base.
no nuke. wtf. i dont want it.. just kidding, this would be perfect for my evil lair.
That would be a sick place to live, heating bills would be a fortune, being underground and all!
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